Portable Pull Up Bars
The FitBar PPB Portable Pull Up Bar product series are ideal for outdoor workouts. The PPB-1 is a single-bar pull up bar, while the PPB-4 is a 4-bar pull up bar. The diagonal outriggers provide the stability that no other free standing pull up bar can provide. This means that, in addition to being able to doing regular pull ups, you can do toes to bar, front levers, back levers, and other dynamic movements that would cause other pull up stations to topple. This is a perfect pull up bar for use with our Grip Wheel or Beater Bar, as the outriggers react the side motion when using these rotating pull up bars.
The PPB-1 has a 60” long, 1.25” diameter gusseted bar, so it’s wide enough for even the largest athletes with big reach to do wide grip pull ups with ease. The adjustable pull up bar can be secured anywhere from 78 to 93” in height.
The outriggers are adjustable, so even if the ground is not level, the outriggers can compensate such that the unit is vertical. The unit has a footprint of 5’ x 10’ – big enough to be a stable pull up bar, yet small enough to setup in small space for a calisthenics or bodyweight workout.
For storage, the Portable Pull Up Bar quickly breaks down to three components – the outriggers stay connected, and it only requires four bolts to re-assemble.
Calisthenics Training Bar
For both calisthenics masters and as well as people just getting into the benefits of bodyweight training, the FitBar Portable Pull Up Bar is perfect for backyard workouts, calisthenics parks, and bodyweight workouts at the beach. The pull up bar unit can be set up in less than 15 minutes, so this makes mobile fitness that includes various types of pull ups to be truly possible. The stability allows levers, swings, and even kipping pull ups.
Army Combat Fitness Test (ACTF) Leg Tuck
The army has revised the test that qualifies a soldier for combat readiness. Given the physical rigors of combat - wall climbing, terrain traversing, equipment handing, gear handling, wounded recovery, and the like, the US army is implementing the ACFT 2.0. Implementation is slated for October 2020, and it includes the Leg Tuck, which is one of six tests to assess functional physical strength. The Leg Tuck is performed on a pull up bar, and requires the user to straddle the bar. Starting with alternating hand position / straight arms, and feet off the ground, the soldier lifts his or her knees, flexing at the waist and hips, such that the knees come in contact with elbows.
The FitBar PPB-1 Portable Pull Up Bar, the PPB-4 Portable Calisthenics Bar, and the ACFT Pull Up Bar all the meet the requirements for the ACTF Leg Tuck. The 60” long bar provides enough length such that even the tallest soldiers can perform the Leg Tuck without forcing them to scrunch their legs. The adjustable height allows multiple height soldiers to practice and test at one time. For a step up, the soldiers can use the outrigger tang to step up to the bar. The FitBar Pull Up Station can be set up in less than 15 minutes, requiring only four bolts for assembly. For stowage, the unit breaks down to three assemblies that can easily be stored in a fitness equipment locker or logistics depot. Contact info@fitbarstrong.com for inquiries or upcoming solicitations. We qualify as an 8(a) small business and our products are manufactured in the USA.